Thursday, September 1, 2022

Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery

Picture this:

Your precious little pooch walks out of a back room in the vet’s office and into the lobby after her surgery. She’s definitely missing the spring in her step, but her eyes light up the moment she sees you for the first time.

Even better, her tail begins wagging a mile a minute now that she has you in her sights.

You’re so happy to see her! And a big smile lights up your face as soon as you notice the gigantic plastic cone around her neck. She looks so adorably ridiculous that it’s hard to contain your mirth. 

But all isn’t happy and carefree. Before long, you notice your furry little friend pawing at the Elizabethan collar. It’s obviously causing her real grief and serious discomfort.

Is there anything you can do to help ease her suffering?

You betcha!

The answer is simple. Your best bet is to ditch the ridiculously large and uncomfortable plastic cone for the best dog surgical onesie for post-op recovery.

You didn’t know they made post-surgery onesies for dogs? They sure do. And they’re a far cry from the annoying plastic cone that causes unnecessary distress to so many dogs after surgery.

Does this sound like your pooch?

Take a moment to keep reading if you’d like to help your dog feel more comfortable during their time of recovery. 

Read my handy product guide below and learn about five incredible products based on the critical categories best used to determine the finest post-op onesies for dogs.

Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery: Our Top 5 Picks

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Buying Guide To Selecting The Best Dog Surgical Onesie for Post-Op Recovery:

You visited this page for a reason, right?

Maybe your favorite pooch recently had to undergo surgery. And after trying the gigantic plastic cone, you see how uncomfortable your furry little guy is.

Whatever your reasoning, you realize it’s time to pick up the best dog surgical onesie for post-op recovery. Without it, your pup is going to suffer needlessly and because you’re a compassionate dog owner, you aren’t willing to put them through the unnecessary trauma.

How do you choose the best dog surgical onesie for post-op recovery?

The process doesn’t need to be extremely difficult. In fact, you can follow my advice by choosing one of the products that I reviewed above.


You can perform your own research. I chose 5 specific factors that I used to evaluate these products. My factors include:

  • Comfort and Safety
  • Maximum Protection
  • Easy Fit
  • Air Circulation
  • Design

Why did I evaluate based on these specific categories? Keep reading to learn the reasons why I chose these areas to focus on.

Comfort and Safety

Choosing the best dog surgical onesie for post-op recovery based on comfort and safety is critically important in my opinion.

Why do I feel this way?

First off, you obviously want your dog to wear a onesie that he or she finds comfortable. Otherwise, it will be pawing, scratching, and biting at the material all the time because your pup is in distress.

Nobody wants that. Especially your dog. And you’ll feel horrible seeing your favorite pooch in such a stressed-out state.

What about safety?

This area is equally important.

The onesie must protect your pup and keep it safe. Otherwise, it may scratch or bite at its abdominal wound, and this could lead to infection, accidentally pulling out stitches or a potentially worse fate.

On the other hand:

A safe post-op onesie means your dog will heal quicker, reduce the risk of infection, and their surgical wound will remain protected at all times.

Definitely keep comfort and safety in mind whenever you shop online for a post-op recovery dog onesie.

How The Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery Compare In The Comfort and Safety Category:

[product_rating_begin][product_rating_bar product_name="FOREYY Onesie" score="98" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="SurgiSnuggly" score="96" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="Suitical Recovery Suit For Dogs" score="94" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="MAXX Dog Recovery Suit" score="90" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="After Surgery Wear by Vet Med Wear" score="88" highlight="N"][product_rating_table_end]

Maximum Protection

Isn’t this category the same as safety?

On the surface, it seems to be true. But by maximum protection, I mean choosing the best dog surgical onesie for post-op recovery that will cover the entire area that needs to remain safe.

As you’ll learn throughout your research, some onesies do not provide maximum protection. 

They only cover a small portion of the wounded area, which can lead to excessive licking, biting, scratching, and other things that you’d rather avoid in order to keep your pup safe and properly healing from his or her surgery.

More than likely, when you read product descriptions, the best ones will differentiate themselves from the others. They will focus on telling you how well their product protects wounds and abdominal sutures.

Pay close attention to this category. It could mean the difference between your dog healing quickly, and your dog struggling to get better or possibly developing an infection.

You’d obviously rather avoid unneeded trouble like the plague, right? So, make sure you choose a dog recovery onesie that delivers maximum protection at all times.

How The Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery Compare In The Maximum Protection Category:

[product_rating_begin][product_rating_bar product_name="Suitical Recovery Suit For Dogs" score="94" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="MAXX Dog Recovery Suit" score="94" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="FOREYY Onesie" score="91" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="SurgiSnuggly" score="90" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="After Surgery Wear by Vet Med Wear" score="80" highlight="N"][product_rating_table_end]

Easy Fit

Another area to consider when choosing the best dog surgical onesie for post-op recovery is how easily the onesie will fit.

This all comes down to common sense, you know?

Do you want to struggle to put a tight onesie on your dog? Absolutely not!

Do you want a onesie that is so difficult to put on that your dog attempts to bite you whenever you go near him or her? That would be horrible!

Well, this is why you might want to consider if the onesie is going to be an easy fit or not.

The best way to find out how well after-surgery wear fits is to go online to your favorite online retailers and read customer reviews.


It should be obvious, but previous customers already know if a particular product is an easy fit or not. They’ve already been there and done that.

They can tell you if the material is too tight, or too loose if the neck hole is too small, or the paw holes are too small or too big, or anything else that you may not have even thought about.

Obviously, one person’s experience isn’t necessarily going to be the same as your experience. But gathering this information will help you zero in on whether or not a particular post-surgery shirt is an easy fit or not.

How The Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery Compare In The Easy Fit Category:

[product_rating_begin][product_rating_bar product_name="FOREYY Onesie" score="93" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="SurgiSnuggly" score="90" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="After Surgery Wear by Vet Med Wear" score="90" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="Suitical Recovery Suit For Dogs" score="88" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="MAXX Dog Recovery Suit" score="85" highlight="N"][product_rating_table_end]
Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery

Air Circulation

Did you know that oxygen helps wounds heal? This is important to consider when choosing the best dog surgical onesie for post-op recovery.

Honestly, until my dog needed surgery, I never really paid much attention to this fact. I didn’t really need to know one way or another.

And then the inevitable happened.

My dog had to go in for surgery, and even though the operation was a success, she had a big stitched incision going across her belly.

I mentioned that I wanted to get her a post-surgical onesie instead of the enormous plastic cone because I knew that she didn’t like the Elizabethan collar from a previous operation. It made her really sad and depressed.

It’s bad enough that she had to get life-saving surgery. I didn’t want her to experience further depression because of the stupid plastic cone around her neck.

Why am I saying all this?

Getting back to the original point I was making, it’s important to have breathable material that delivers oxygen to the wound. This oxygen will help accelerate the healing process so that your dog can get back on his or her feet quicker.

Make sure the material is flexible, breathable, and known to promote air circulation. This will work wonders for your dog’s healing journey.

How The Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery Compare In The Air Circulation Category:

[product_rating_begin][product_rating_bar product_name="After Surgery Wear by Vet Med Wear" score="94" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="FOREYY Onesie" score="92" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="SurgiSnuggly" score="91" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="Suitical Recovery Suit For Dogs" score="90" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="MAXX Dog Recovery Suit" score="88" highlight="N"][product_rating_table_end]


Why does getting the right design matter, especially for the best dog surgical onesie for post-op recovery?

Actually, it matters for a few important reasons.

How about size as an example?

Every product is different. For some, the sizing might run big, so you may buy an extra small size for your little pup, only to find out that an extra small is better for a much larger dog.

Or how about this…

Some post-operative onesies might be perfect for female dogs, but they might leave a lot to be desired for male dogs. Or vice versa as the case may be.

Paying attention to the design is of the utmost importance when choosing a post-surgical onesie. Some onesies were created much better for male dogs, while others were better designed for female dogs.

And let’s not forget about zippers, straps, ties, and fabric.

All of these different areas come into play when choosing the right design for your pooch. If you know that your dog is going to constantly tug on ties, you may prefer straps or zippers.

Or, if your dog continues to scratch at Velcro, as an example, you may prefer to choose a different design because it will help keep your dog safe and protected better than another dog suit might.

Ultimately, when choosing a post-op onesie, you should really think about your dog, his or her preferences, and other areas that I might not have mentioned when making your final decision.

How The Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery Compare In The Design Category:

[product_rating_begin][product_rating_bar product_name="Suitical Recovery Suit For Dogs" score="91" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="SurgiSnuggly" score="90" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="FOREYY Onesie" score="88" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="MAXX Dog Recovery Suit" score="83" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="After Surgery Wear by Vet Med Wear" score="82" highlight="N"][product_rating_table_end]

Overall Product Comparisons For The Best Dog Surgical Onesie For Post-Op Recovery:

[product_rating_begin][product_rating_bar product_name="FOREYY Onesie" score="92" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="SurgiSnuggly" score="91" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="Suitical Recovery Suit For Dogs" score="91" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="MAXX Dog Recovery Suit" score="88" highlight="N"][product_rating_bar product_name="After Surgery Wear by Vet Med Wear" score="87" highlight="N"][product_rating_table_end]
dog sleeping in surgical onesie

Best Dog Surgical Onesie for Post-Op Recovery FAQs:

Is It Okay to Wash A Post-Op Surgical Onesie?

In a word: yes.

The best way to determine this is to read the label to learn the specific washing instructions.

For the most part, these onesies are typically made of 100% pure cotton in many instances. Or, they might be part of a cotton/Lycra blend.

No matter which fabric you choose, just know that it’s certainly possible to wash these onesies in your regular washing machine.

But it’s better to be safe than sorry.

So please, remember to read the label before you put it in the washing machine. More than likely, there will be specific washing machine instructions for you to follow.

Is My Dog Going to Chew Apart His or Her Post Operation Onesie?

I don’t want to sugarcoat this by any means, so I will absolutely tell you the truth.

Depending on your dog, he or she may attempt to chew the onesie to pieces. This is especially true if your dog isn’t tolerating wearing one very well.

That doesn’t mean your dog will chew it to pieces though. He or she just might attempt to do it, but if you buy one made of strong material, it should easily withstand persistent biting.

At the same time…

It might be difficult for your dog to reach the material in the first place. In this case, your pup might try to tear it apart with its teeth, but it might be making the effort in vain.

Spend time looking at previous customer experiences on your favorite online retailer’s website. See if anyone had trouble with their dog chewing through a particular onesie.

How Can I Tell If a Snug Fit Post Op Surgical Onesie Is Too Tight?

As a dog owner whose pooch just had surgery, it’s always wise to choose a onesie with a snug fit. Why is that?

A snug fit will keep your dog away from the surgical incision. It will keep the area safe, protected, and in a strong position to heal quickly.

You definitely want your pooch wearing a snug-fit onesie whenever possible.

But how can you tell when a snug fit is much too snug?

Simply put, please pay close attention to your dog.

Is he or she having a difficult time walking? 

Does it seem like your pup finds it difficult to breathe?

Is its movement too restricted because of the snug fit onesie?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then it’s possible the tight-fitting garment is a little too tight for your pup.

Try getting your pooch one with a looser fit and compare the two to see which one is the best.
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